Ideas and inspirations from the share economy

Hello beautiful people – its been a while, hope you are well. Quick updates – since a few weeks I am writing for an online magazine which represents the largest collaboration in Europe bringing key actors from the share economy together. As part of an exciting fest happening from 5-7 May in Paris – Ouishare… Continue reading Ideas and inspirations from the share economy

What if we could replace Money with Love….(for real)!!!

The universe presents me, non-stop with inspiring ideas and people on a golden platter everyday and somehow me being non-consistent and lazy about writing, makes me seem selfish not wanting to share them enough. However, I love to share but I have realized lately that I need to find an efficient way to do it (any suggestions!!). My dear husband pushes me to write more but the problem is, I tend to hardly listen to him :P!!! But he is completely right about this thus I am determined to post 2-3 times a week (at the least).  Please send me a comment or reminder if I lose track again…. :/

Today, I present to you with this an amazing person along with the idea of replacing Money with LOVE in the field of education. … Continue reading

Education is not linear but Organic!

We have all been there and done that! Done what, you ask? Staying up nights finishing a semi-appealing assignment, chugging down coffee after coffee to keep those brain cells active at 3am to store a piece of information to be mostly used ONLY the next day, the pulsating fear before you turn over that final exam question paper or … Continue reading

Zen and the Art of Cartoons

calvin hobbes

Do you know Calvin and Hobbes (C&H) – the little five-year-old obnoxious creative spiky haired self-professed genius and his imaginative philosophical counter-intuitive tiger? The first time I read this comic strip, long long time ago, I instantly fell in love with it. Unlike other comics this is very special – it has something Zen-like and hidden about it. … Continue reading

A letter to my older self….

“Life is a succession of lessons which must be lived to be understood” said Helen Keller, the American author and activist who was the first deaf-blind person to earn a bachelor’s degree. One such understanding was presented to me yesterday, during a heated discussion with a acquaintance who challenged my attitude of hopeless optimism by saying change is … Continue reading